The Rules of Work is a book on how to be successful in the workplace without becoming unpleasant. Templar observes that “Being good at your job is not enough if you want to be really successful”. It is a requirement, but it is not enough. He says that there are other things that are equally important:
- How you do you job
- How others perceive you doing your job
- What you do in addition to your job
In the Forward, Templar summarises the requirements of successful persons. Apart from doing their job well, they:
- Do their job Well
- Look the part
- Act one step ahead
- Walk your talk
- Never let anyone know how hard they work
- Have a plan
- Know the people who count
Templar then presents 10 “rules” that enable someone to achieve these aims. Supposedly, the Rules apply no matter what you do.
21.6 x 14 x 1.7 cm
358 g